Independent thinking is when you are willing to stand up for something you believe in, even when it's a very unpopular idea..
Hmmmmm....sounds like JESUS!!!!
"the dangers of independent thinking".
reading mary's thread regarding the july 15th wt, i began to really consider what the wbts' problem is with "independent thinking".. what exactly is "independent thinking" and what about its opposite, "dependent thinking"?
i think the following excerpt from an article here does a good job of defining them.
Independent thinking is when you are willing to stand up for something you believe in, even when it's a very unpopular idea..
Hmmmmm....sounds like JESUS!!!!
warning: ad nauseam quotes:.
keep free from murmurings - august 14, 2006 study.
par 16: murmuring focuses our min on ourselves and our troubles and pushes into the background the blessings we enjoy as witnesses of jehovah.
Par 17: .....if we were to become habitual murmurers, we would be putting at risk our relationship with Jehovah God. (translation: you speak bad about the GB and you’ll die at Armageddon. Which should be here any day now).
Great capsulize of the whole article!!!!!
the early group around russell studied the bible by reading it, discussing it and drawing conclusions.
when russell reached firm conclusions on various matters he began to be a bit down on this method of bible study for his followers.
instead the brethren should stick to reading the studies in the scriptures or wt studies (of questions with cited scriptures) rather than reading the bible alone.
Yes, I left last Sept. I do remember that new feature...Thing is, the person giving the talk..has to use the literature to write his talk and can't deviate in any way...That's a given...
So, not a good as it sounds..
what did you learn about the watchtower organization.
what did you learn about the jw's .
what did you learn about god in general and the kingdom to come?
Hello friends..
I actually learned alot...
1. How to study and understand prophesy and symbolism..(even though all their prophesies are wrong and half of their symbolism) They attempt it..(more than the religions)
2. How to teach
3. How to pray
4. increased faith..(as I had none before..)
What I learned about the the true technique of brainwashing and cults..
lets discuss the origins of hell, and whether we are going there.
i don't want to...
If anyone is going to Hell....It's the WT...not us...
The people on this site are the most honest people I know...
i just wanted to take a minute and express the appreciation i feel for this place.
simon and angharad, thanks to you two for putting up with the crap necessary to keep this place available to disenfranchised outcasts like me.
also, thanks to the forum administrators who work to keep the place relatively cordial and welcoming.. but really, this forum would be nothing without the posters.
This is the coolest discussion board on the web...IMO
Thanks sooooo much..!!!
wouldn't you agree?
it talks about this race that was being segregated and abused by the more powerful and richer egyptians.
then it tells of miracles happening that freed these people from the oppression of the government.
i asked a catholic priest if one needs to be a catholic to be saved, to compare with the jw belief that one has to be a jw to be saved.
his answer was interesting and based on romans 2:12-14 (nlt version) .
"14 even when gentiles, who do not have god's written law, instinctively follow what the law says, they show that in their hearts they know right from wrong.
Wow, Greendawn:
I believe that too...but never thought of using that scripture to apply it. I like the one in Math. 25 about helping of Christ's a criteria and also, Ez. 9 about the ones 'sighing and moaning over the destestable things" and receiving the mark of salvation. Also, in Rev..about not recieving the mark of the beast as another criteria,.. Also, Mic.4:4 about beating swords into plowshares.. all of which don't require you to be a Christian.
or as i like to call it...where the hell are you jesus?
(please don't laugh .
well, some say he walked on water.
I like it... good poem..
He's coming like a thief in the night.. walking around while people sleep. Keep awake... Great poem...
many people ask why doesn't god interefere to help suffering mankind?
biblically the answer is very simple: mankind exercise their freedom of choice and in so doing chose to be slaves to sin or the demons if you like.
god respects that choice however foolish it may be.
Most christians believe that God knows the future (as he is "outside time", and "the beginning and the end"), and he knows what`s inside a persons heart. So God, when testing Job, allready knew the outcome.
He must not have known the outcome..or he wouldn't have, had him tested...right?